We feel very strongly about higher education.

It provides an enhanced global citizenry and opens economic opportunities. So we started The College Consultant to help students to and through the college experience.

In all of our Admissions work, we found students didn’t always know how to showcase their strengths. We get it: “college” is like a whole other language. Consider us your interpreters! And with a team boasting experience in business, public policy, and 20 years across a dozen different colleges & universities - Stanford, University of Texas at Austin, Cal-Berkeley, Emory, Dillard, etc. - The College Consultant is ready to help!

Don’t let the area code fool you: this team is Houston-born & based. But we’re here to serve students, parents, principals, school counselors, youth groups, and homeschool co-ops virtually anywhere!


Craig, J, & The College Consultant Team